英文版红色故事? 亡羊补牢英文版的故事?








中文版《吻别》的作曲者是张学友。该曲目是他最具代表性的作品之一,歌词将失恋者那种缘尽而情未了的不舍与爱恨纠葛展现的尽致淋漓。这首歌的感染性很强,吟唱者与听众会随着歌曲与词的演唱,一步步融入进情感当中,对那对苦命的恋人产生一种惋惜之感,听后会产生一种压抑之情。这首歌曲每听一次都会有不同的感受,所以它深受听众的欢迎。本曲旋律凄美,张学友演绎得格外动容,将一种难舍的情怀表现得惟妙惟肖 。张学友演唱时迷人浑厚的声线以及极富感染性的表现力都为这首歌曲增色不少。这首脍炙人口的经典歌曲已成为一个时代的烙印,承载了很多人的回忆和感动 。


英文版(吻别)《TAKE ME TO YOUR HEART》,演唱者是Michael Learns To Rock(迈克学摇滚)全体歌迷齐声演唱。不同的方式但所展现的内心情感大致相同。两个感情深厚的恋人,因为外界各种元素不得不面临分手,其中夹杂的那份伤心与难过,只有认真聆听才会感受的到。这种类型的曲目似乎与离乡漂泊之人也有一种不愈的关联。只有这种语调才能表达出揶揄在他们喉咙的那份情,无力用语言表达,但却用这种方式展现出来。





Time is just like a single trip

But people always put every little thing off

Until tomorrow

Don’t they know

Time goes as fast as an arrow?

Reluctance to everything

They will drop into a hole which is deep

Shall I give you some tips?

The people whom I will tell

Are the hard-working ones

Saving time is a good habit

Make yourself success by your hands

by Jason

















It is said that there was no man when the sky andthe earth were separated by Pangu. It was Nuwawho made human beings after her own model withyellow clay.From then on, man began to live in peace andhappiness on the earth.

nexpectedly, one year, the fourpillars supportingthe heaven suddenly collapsed and the earthcracked. A great fire raged; torrential water flooded all the lands;fierce animals preyed on men. ThenNuwa melted fivecolored stones, using them to mend the cracks in the sky.

To replace the broken pillars, she cut off the four legs of a huge turtle and used them tosupport the fallensky.Thus the sky was patched up, its four corners were lifted, the flood was tamed, harmful animalswere killed, and the innocent people were able to restore their happy lives.


Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all her grandmother, who did not know what to give the child next. Once she gave her a little cap made of red velvet. Because it suited her so well, and she wanted to wear it all the time, she came to be known as Little Red Cap.

One day her mother said to her, "Come Little Red Cap. Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is sick and weak, and they will do her well. Mind your manners and give her my greetings. Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the path, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your grandmother. And when you enter her parlor, don't forget to say 'Good morning,' and don't peer into all the corners first."

"I'll do everything just right," said Little Red Cap, shaking her mother's hand.

The grandmother lived out in the woods, a half hour from the village. When Little Red Cap entered the woods a wolf came up to her. She did not know what a wicked animal he was, and was not afraid of him.




Where do I begin,

To tell the story of how great a love can be,

The sweet love story that is older than the sea,

The simple truth about the love she brings to me。

Where do I start,

With her first hello,

She gave a meaning to this empty world of mine,

There’d never be another love, another time。

She came into my life and made the living fine,

She fills my heart,

She fills my heart with very special things,

With angels songs , with wild imaginings。

She fills my soul with so much love,

That anywhere I go I’m never lonely,

With her along, who could be lonely,

I reach for her hand-it’s always there。

How long does it last,

Can love be measured by the hours in a day,

I have no answers now but this much I can say,

I know I’ll need her till the stars all burn away。

And she’ll be there,

How long does it last,

Can love be measured by the hours in a day,

I have no answers now but this much I can say。

I know I’ll need her till the stars all burn away,

And she’ll be there,

love story。






The Crow and the Pitcher。1.The Crow and the Pitcher是乌鸦喝水的英文版故事。2.该故事讲述,乌鸦发现一口杯子里的水太浅无法喝到,于是它想到用石头把水位抬高,从而得以喝到水。3.这个故事传统上被视为一个类比,教导孩子一些非常基本的物理规律。在这个故事中,乌鸦通过加入石头将水位抬高,已经利用了浮力的概念。


Intduction of Liu Hulan

He went to the city to buy some books to visit his dghter. Gunpowder was discovered in the 12th centy, but it was not used in war until o dred years later. Yo grade depends not only on yo performance in each exam, but also on yo performance.

You attend classes. We often go to the countryside and go to the factory. I'd rather go to the country than stay here.

Some people find swimming interesting than sitting at home reading a book. He's wting a letter instead of reading a newspaper. She's happy with what you give and what you tell him.

The ppose of this study is to them It means a lot than we do. I would rather do something than do something. I prefer ce to noodles.

I would rather watch TV than listen to music. He would rather die than srender. Do something quickly and do something.

Liu Hulan said she would rather die than give up. I would rather stay at home than leave. This is yesterday that my mother threw eggs at Mr.

Li. Yesterday, my mother threw eggs