



拿破仑希尔(Napoleon Hill,18831969年),全世界最早的现代成功学大师和励志书籍作家,曾经影响美国两任总统及千百万读者的成功学大师。







The eighth day is believed to be the birthday of millet, an important crop in ancient China.


According to folk proverbs, if this day is bright and clear the year will be a harvest year; however, if this day is cloudy or even rainy, the year will suffer from poor harvest.


Meanwhile, people also set free captive animals on this day, with a blessing for all living beings to flourish in the New Year.


2、Eating Yuanxiao吃元宵

Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lantern Festival. It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. And the Festival is named after the famous dumpling. It is very easy to cook - simply dump them in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes - and eaten as a dessert.


3、Guessing lantern riddles猜灯谜

"Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.


4、Watch fireworks 看烟火

In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.



A sudden strong evil cause deadly threat to the earth, without any a super hero alone could resist. Long-term commitment to protect global security.

Aegis board feel unprepared, and its commander "one-eyed man" Nick, Fred realized he must create a "in the history of the strongest alliance, gathered the parties.Outbursts, together with the super hero can save the world from hot water and resist the invasion of the forces of the dark.

So by six big super hero - iron man, captain America, thor, green giant, black widow and hawkeye man of "avengers alliance" came into being they.Demonstrated together, finally win over evil, to ensure the safety of the earth.


In 202 BC, China first unified feudal dynasty Qin Dynasty was born. The remains of today'sworld cultural heritage - the Chinese Qin Shihuang of Shaanxi Terracotta Army is the dynasty.Another world cultural heritage - the Great Wall, is beginning to take shape in the Qin dynasty.

Since the Qin Dynasty rulers crave for greatness and success, especially Qin Shihuang to build his luxurious palaces and tombs, the court costs, so the people of exploitation is very cruel,constantly arouse people's uprising. The results, in 15 years, the Qin Dynasty was overthrown.Qin Dynasty, there are two forces vying for new national sovereignty, a team led by Xiang Yu, a team was led by Liu Bang.

Xiang Yu was a general in the army from Chu, strong character, proud, brave. Liu Bang in the Qin Dynasty is destroyed before a low-level bureaucrat, character some cunning, but good with people. In opposition to the Qin Dynasty in the war, two people had married brother, solidarity.The Qin Dynasty perish, two people will not.

Initially he accounted for the absolute superiority. He proclaimed himself "king of Western Chu",equivalent to the emperor, dubbed Liu Bang "HW", only the equivalent of the feudal lords. Liu Bang in order to save their own strength, acknowledges Xiang Yu's dominance of the surface, or to attract talent, the development of the army. Gradually, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu be well-matched in strength.

Xiang Yu and Liu Bang's war for several years, historically known as the "Chu Han contention".Once Xiang Yu Liu Bang played and defeated and captured Liu Bang's father and wife. Xiang Yu Liu father hostage, asking Liu Bang to surrender, threatening Liu Bangruo's surrender, his father killed soup. But Liu Bang had said to Xiang Yu: "we are brothers in the anti Qin, my father is your father, if you take 'our father' soup to drink, don't forget to give me a cup of." Xiang Yuhelpless, had to Liu Bang father and his wife back.

Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's battle to the death occurred in a place called Gaixia (in present-day Anhui). After a fierce battle, Liu Bang's forces surrounded Xiang Yu and his army. Xiang Yu has been at a disadvantage, but there are one hundred thousand forces, Liu Bang and not todestroy Xiang Yu.

One night, surrounded by Xiang Yu and his soldiers heard around the familiar voice rang out.Listen carefully, it is his hometown of Chu folk songs. The song is coming from the Liu Bang camp. Xiang Yu and his men were very surprised, thought that Liu Bang had taken them home,caught many hometown relatives captives, and this familiar song, also caused the soldiers homesickness. A general army morale of chaos, the soldiers have fled by night color, one hundred thousand people had left hundreds of people.

Originally, this is Liu Bang's use of the strategy. He organized his army soldiers sing the sentimental ballads of Chu state, it is in order to disrupt the stability of the Xiang army.

The battle of Gaixia is the final Liu Bang win, Xiang Yu was forced to commit suicide. Later, Liu Bang established the Han dynasty. The Han Dynasty is one of the most prosperous period of Chinese history, in the economic and cultural aspects for the attention of the world.



In the Spring and Autumn Period, a farmer in the State of Song was one day working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump(树桩) accidentally and break its neck.


The farmer took the rabbit home, and cooked himself a delicious meal. That night he thought, 'I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait for a rabbit each day by the stump.'


So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for rabbits to come and run into it.


寓意:This idiom satirizes(讽刺,挖苦) those who just wait for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what they need.




  姬姓王有三个分支  ①源出东周毕公之后。周武王之弟毕公高封于毕国,春秋时其裔孙毕万任晋国司徒,受封于魏,战国时魏、韩、赵三家瓜分晋国。秦灭魏后,后裔魏无忌之孙魏卑子逃入山东泰山,汉初,魏卑子奉诏做官,被封于兰陵郡。因其是王家之后,故称其族为“王家”,从此以王为姓。②源出春秋初周平王之后。周平王在位51年,太子早夭,周平王死后,由其孙姬赤继位,但姬赤的胞弟姬林夺了王位,史称周桓王。姬赤出奔晋国,子孙以其曾为王者而改姓王。一直到唐朝,这支姬姓王一直生活在山西临猗一带,史称河东猗氏王姓。③源出周考王胞弟桓公揭之后。桓公揭封于王城,古城在今洛阳王城公园。其封地虽小但处于东周王城的西部,史称其为西周桓公。国亡之后,子孙迁到河南伊川和昭汝,以居王城改姓王,后来称为王城王氏。



Wipro主席阿齐姆普伦姆吉(AzimPremji)清晨起床后,向遍布全球的分公司经理回复电子邮件.公司总部是离家不远的一幢十层大楼,每天早上他徒步爬上顶层的办公室, 边走边与员工聊天.工作从早餐讨论开始,平均每周100个小时.



很难想象,软件巨头的财富源于一家食用油公司. 1945年普伦姆吉的父亲HashamPremji创办了"西印度植物产品有限公司".普伦姆吉生于那年7月.虽然是四个孩子中的老,父亲决定培养他掌管家族生意,他被送到斯坦福大学学习工程.


当时印度以管制为基础的混合经济人称"licenseraj"(许可证为王).到了1970年代末期,IBM 被赶出了印度市场,这个国家的计算机行业出现了真空.那年普伦姆吉35岁,他看准了这个机会,将公司改名为"Wipr o",开始做硬件和服务.





通过为跨国企业提供服务,普伦姆吉打造了一个新的跨国企业. 在孟买股票交易所,Wipro公司19951999年的年均回报率达到了164%.2000年2月,Wip ro的股价从3975卢比飙升到9624卢比,普伦姆吉的资产升为350亿美元,成为"全球第二富豪".据《星期日泰晤士报》统计,他是全球五十名富豪中惟一的印度人.


"国际市场通行证"CMM(软件能力成熟度模型)早就被他盯上了.1999年Wipro成为全球第一个CMM 5级企业,也是全世界最早达到制造业标准6Sigma的软件企业.据统计,Wipro的项目按合同完成率达到了99. 3%.这个数字令人难以置信,因为中国企业的同类指标平均不超过10%.这家公司年收入九亿美元,纯利润近两亿美元,相当部分是毛利100%的程序员"人工".在中国,没有一家软件企业的销售收入达到Wipro的十分之一,利润更是相去万里.



普伦姆吉没有放慢脚步.印度企业急于获得高额利润,像IBM那样. 几年前,印度软件公司主要从事软件编码,现在扩张到更具挑战性的系统研发和顾问咨询.咨询收入占了总收入的7 %.公司新增加了近万名员工以扩展呼叫中心(CallCenter)服务,充实行业软件的技术力量.手持数亿美元现金的普伦姆吉在全世界扩张,特别是在中东国家.在那里美国公司不太受欢迎,他可是这个星球上最富有的穆斯林之一.

在战场的另一头,从硅谷到悉尼的IT业白领人数不断增长,他们担心工作被印度的工程师取代.成功的软件外包(O utsourcing)带来对就业机会的担心,导致美国国会制定限制措施.2003年10月1日,美国给外国专业人士的有效签证下降了66%.这对Wipro的打击非常大,因为能够从班加罗尔到美国西海岸的全球"7×24小时"不间断地开发,本是印度软件巨头的传统优势.


"我希望Wipro在全球IT业扮演重要角色,"普莱姆吉说.他开始了多项并购.2002年7月,他出资90 00万美元组建了印度顶尖的呼叫中心;11月,他花2400万美元购买了美国管理系统有限公司(AMS)100个人的能源部门业务,这是印度IT企业第一次收购美国大公司的业务部门;2003年5月,普伦姆吉又花1900万美元购买了一家金融咨询公司.


并购战略存在风险.全球的技术开销正在下降,客户只想在IT服务上少花钱.2003年的并购使企业的盈利从3 0%减到了24%,股票价格一度从2003年1月的最高点下降了24%.



根据《商业周刊》的年度排名,Wipro在全球软件业名列"TOP20".59岁的普伦姆吉的目标是:200 4年成为全球十大IT企业,全球十大"最受尊敬的企业".

虽然软件贡献了利润的八成以上,普伦姆吉还有销售额近两亿美元的硬件部门,此外他还保留了灯泡厂,与GE合作十几年的医疗设备公司,以及"古老"的食用油公司.Wipro继续生产化妆品和肥皂,婴儿用品"WiproBabyS oft",这些生意提供了35%的销售额,不需要花太多的时间,又有钱赚.

普伦姆吉拥有一个忠心耿耿的团队,好几个副手已经干了二十多年.他被称为"样板企业的样板CEO ",不少年轻人慕名加入他的公司.在1987年他拒绝向官员付"好处费",工厂只好自己供电18个月.




I had my birthday last Sunday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my friends to the party

At the party, they gave me many small presents, such as cards, comic books and pens.They sang birthday songs for me. My mother made a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and handed them out. We played games and watched TV together.

We had a good time at the party.